50 Years IN2P3

50 years ago, the Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas signed a decree "creating a National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of our institute, the CNRS is organizing events over several months through the Institute.
On May 19, 2021, a day will take place at the École Polytechnique where our laboratory, in collaboration with the Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, will celebrate the event.
ON THE PROGRAM: Preliminary agenda
9h30-10h00 : Welcome
10h00-12h30 : Session 1 (amphi Faurre + Zoom)
Welcoming remarks
Yves Sirois (LLR)
Grégoire de Lasteyrie (Palaiseau City Hall)
Yves Lazlo (Ecole polytechnique/IPP)
Christophe de La Taille (OMEGA)
50 years of IN2P3.........................................Reynald Pain (IN2P3)
Physics in interaction at LLR.....................Yves Sirois (LLR)
Microelectronics in evolution at OMEGA.....Christophe de La Taille (OMEGA)
Major technical achievements at LLR.......Fréderic Magniette (LLR)
12h30-14h30 : Lunch
Lunch at Club Magnan for guests or in the common room
14h30-17h30 : Session 2 (amphi Faurre + Zoom)
Symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking.........Roberto Salerno (LLR)
Matter-antimatter asymmetry and CP violation.....Pascal Paganini (LLR)
Hadronic matter in all its states.........Émilie Maurice (LLR)
BREAK (20')
The messengers of the cosmos..................................Mathieu de Naurois (LLR)
The challenges of microelectronics.......................Damien Thienpont (OMEGA)
Closing remarks
You will find here the live of the inauguration of the 50 Years of IN2P3 which took place on April 14th on TWITCH
You will find opposite the presentations of Christophe de LA TAILLE and Damien THIENPONT during this day.